Eve and the Last Waltz spelar på Snövit, Ringvägen med Buskaleros lördagen den 14 december
Eve and the Last Waltz gör en In-store spelning på Runtrunt Odengatan den 21 dec
Eve and the Last Waltz spelar på Olympiateatern Västmannagatan 56 T-Odenplan lördagen den 1 nov kl 21. Entré 100 kr
Eve and the Last Waltz spelar på Vernissage Eva Lalander på Maggan, Handelsvägen 26 Enskede T-Sockenplan torsdag 10 oktober kl 18. Fb-event here (131005)
KCampfire play Klubb Kvalität Landet May 25
Eve and the Last Waltz and KCampfire play at Melodybox, Telefonplan, Sthlm may 8. Fb-event here
Eve and the Last Waltz has a new facebook page here
My Way (och Swahn) spelar på Snövit, Ringvägen 147, Sthlm den 6 april kl 21
Half the "Roller Coaster Blues" album and 7" Flake/Dig now played on several shows at radio station WFMU
Mats Gronmark - Roller Coaster Blues at #123 of all reviewed albums of 2012 according to the database kritiker.se and #5 for swedish albums of 2012 in the daily Östran
Eva Lalander & Mats Gronmark (aka Hellon) will play an in-store concert att Runt Runt, Odengatan 90 Sthlm sat nov 24 3 pm
KCampfire play Snövit, Ringvägen 147 Dec 1 at 9 pm
Mats Gronmark & Eva Lalander will play Club Stormy Monday @Facienda, Strängnäs sat. nov 10. Also Ebbot Lundberg and DJ´s.
DL for Modern Age now available! (121103)
KCampfire har releasefest för sin nya 7" Modern Age på Babajan 5 oktober kl 21. (även Svahn) (120923)
Mats Gronmark Eva Lalander/Hellon Chord Organ Blues spelar på invigningen av High Valley Skatepark lördag 29 oktober kl 16.30 i Högdalen (120923)
KCampfire are back with a brand new 7" out october 5. Pressrelease in swedish here & english here (120923)
Mats Gronmark is being interviewed on swedish Radio Dalarna SR P4 july 25 at 12.10 pm listen here (120720)
Hellon Chord Organ Blues, The Goner och Howling Owl Tape spelar på Snövit, Ringvägen 147 den 16 juni kl 20.
Mats Gronmark live på Klubb Folke, Pet Sounds Bar den 23 maj. Med Peacock Farm.
Hellon Chord Organ Blues spelar på Carlas Café, Näsby, Öland Hellon Chord Organ Blues den 17 maj.
Mats Gronmark släpper nya albumet Roller Coaster Blues (pre-listen here) den 25 april 2011 via Rootsy.nu och ADA/Warner. Releasefest på Babajan den 25 april från 20 med liveset kl. 21. spelar också på Twang Sessions 5 maj kl 15.30 (solo) + Leo Med Lådan (14.00)
Recensioner för Roller Coaster Blues Americana UK, tram 7, Nöjesguiden, Zero, Nya Upplagan, Upsala Nya Tidning, Gaffa, Smålandsposten, Rootsy, Blaskan, Terrorverlag, Musikreviews.de The Youth Collective, Los Grillos article, Ox Fanzine, Lira
Mats Gronmark spelar live på Twang Sessions den 5 maj (120313)
Den 21 april släpps 7" Flake/Dig med Mats Gronmark och finns i följande butiker: Push My Buttons, Sound Pollution, Larrys Corner, Sivletto, Bengans Söder (120313)
Korea Campfire spelar på Landet 4 februari med EL-SD (120115)
Hellon Extended Chord Organ Blues spelar på Dear Club på Platform Stockholm 28 jan kl. 22. (110125)
Eve and the Last Waltz Turpentine är "new release of the day" på WFMU med flera spelade låtar i olika program (111027)
Ny soundtrack release med HELLON CHORD ORGAN BLUES CD-r/DL (110930)
Se video från HELLON CHORD ORGAN BLUES på Kronan (110925)
HELLON CHORD ORGAN BLUES (Eva Lalander, Mats Grönmark, Robert Karlsson) spelar på trottoaren framför Galleri Kronan, Drottninggatan, Norrköping 110924 c:a 13.30 på eftermiddagen. Vernissage där Eva Lalander ställer ut akvareller. På kvällen c:a kl 22 spelar de på Östgötateatern. Soundtracket till utställningen (av Mats Grönmark och Eva Lalander) kan höras delvis här (110826)
Mats Grönmark är i Cobrastudion och spelar in ett andra album med Christian Gabel (110601)
MATS GRÖNMARK, ROBERT KARLSSON & EVA LALANDER spelar elektriskt på gatan på Power Big Meet, Västerås 18.00 och framåt den 8+9 juli 2011. Norra Ringvägen 30
Eve and the Last Waltz & Mats Grönmark spelar på Fikonets Vårfest 110603
MATS GRÖNMARK, ROBERT KARLSSON & EVA LALANDER aka Hellon Hot Trio spelar elektriskt på Drakfesten, Årstafältet 110529 kl 15
Eve and the Last Waltz spelar på Klubb Folke, Pet Sounds Bar 110525 kl 21
Releasefest för Eve and the Last Waltz Turpentine på El Mundo Erstagatan den 11 maj 2011 kl 20. Välkomna!
Eve and the Last Waltz släpper sin fjärde fullängdare "Turpentine" på CD/DL den 11 maj 2011. Handgjort omslag med lacksigill, sytrådsförsegling, exklusivt insättsblad samt målning. Beställes via ADA/Warner (skivbutiker) eller skivaffärer och downloadsiter
Rhythm Ace Reecordings inleder ett distributionsavtal med Rootsy och ADA/Warner (110511)
Mats Grönmark + Kilroy + The New Crackers spelar på Club Nuggets The Regent Pub (gamla Tidsfördrif), 28 maj 2010 kl 21
Mats Grönmark & J Shogren spelar akustiskt med gäster på Last Waltz Bonden Bar Bondegatan 3, Stockholm lördag 5 juni 2010 På scen kl 20. Fri entrè
My Way, Mats Grönmark + J Shogren, Eva Lalander Maschinerie mfl. spelar på Kv. Fikonets kvartersfestival lörd den 5 juni 2010 kl 12. Tengdalsparken, Sofia, södermalm
Eva Lalander Maschinerie spelar på Club Probation med The Goner på Snövit Ringvägen 147, Stockholm Stockholm lördag 22 maj 2010 På scen kl 20. Fri entrè
look and listen to track 5 How Do You Feel? here:
Mats Grönmark spelar på Midsommargården, Telefonplan 25 april 2010 21.00
My Way spelar på Big Ben, Folkungagatan 97, Stockholm månd. 29/3 & tisd 30/3 2010 kl 21. 40 kr
Korea Campfire och My Way spelar på Club Probation ,på Snövit Ringvägen 147, Stockholm lörd 3 april 2010 kl. 20. 60 kr.
Mats Grönmark spelar på Club Probation med Culkin på Snövit Ringvägen 147, Stockholm fredag 19 mars 2010 kl. 20. 60 kr.
Mats Grönmark spelar på Club Probation Snövit Ringvägen 147, Stockholm lördag 6 feb 2010 kl. 20. 60 kr. + Vem Bryr Sig?
Eva Lalander Maschinerie spelar på Last Waltz Bonden Bar Bondegatan 3, Stockholm lördag 30 jan 2010 På scen kl 20. Fri entrè
@ BAR 122 Folkungagatan 122 Stockholm Thursday dec 10 2009. 40 kr
"...Nästan varje låt håller klassikerklass..." Pelle Moeld P3 LAB om KOREA CAMPFIRE lyssna på p3 LAB här
fler Korea Campfire LP recensioner
Hi-resolution pictures of Korea Campfire here
Släppfest för Korea Campfires nya LP på Sjöhästen fredag den 27 november 2009. Adress: Långholmsgatan 24 T-Hornstull. Fri entré. Kl. 21. LP exklusivt 80 kr!!!
Release date is for the second album from Korea Campfire is set and it is november 25 on LP and DL. No CD this time. The title: Korea Campfire. Listen to track 12 You Owe me here
Mats Grönmark contributes with the track Pulling Rabbits out of Hats to the new compilation CD for the swedish world-music magazine LIRA. Article here. Review here
Mats Grönmark & the Rawhide Quartet spelar på Klubb Last Waltz, Bonden Bar, Bondegatan 3, Sthlm den 19 september 2009. + Stellan Wahlström Drift Band. Fri entré.
Mats Grönmark & Eva Lalander aka Hellon spelar på Konstnatten, Grönhögen, Öland 25 sept 2009.
Mats Grönmark & Eva Lalander aka Hellon spelar på Näsby Café, Öland 27 juli kl 20, Kalk i Löttorp den 30 juli 2009 kl 21
Mats Grönmark (solo/elektriskt) spelar på POWERMEET I Västerås 3 juli 2009 kl 15, 17, 19 & 21 på Norra Allegatan 29 vid Prelaten utomhus. Även kl 12 den 4 juli.
Mats Grönmark (solo) spelar på High Valley Classic longboardtävling och stödfest för skateparken High Valley lörd. 30 maj 2009 kl 13.00 på Högdalstoppen
The radiosingle RARD-1 I Can´t Ask Her/Going Back Song from the Mats Grönmark album released as a Klicktrack exclusive the second track is a cover of the Baptist Generals
Mats Grönmark öppnar för Stevie Klasson´s Black Weeds på BAR 122, Folkungagatan 122 onsdag den 6 maj 2009 kl 21 sharp.
Mats Grönmark har släppfest för skivan "Tape Hiss Hit or Miss and Sometimes Even Bliss" på Judy´s Närkesgatan, Stockholm den 27 maj 2009 kl 20.00. Entrè 60 inkl hemlig present & hemliga gäster. Han spelar också med kompbander The Rawhide Quartet på Sthlm Speakeasy, Högbergsgatan 64, Södermalm den 30 maj kl 21.00. Fri entré. Den 1 juni spelar han på Berlin Bar, Skånegatan 71 1 juni 21.00 fri entré. 5 juni på Pluto Lövholmsvägen 20, Gröndal, T-bana Liljeholmen 21 mars kl 20. Obs. Medlemsklubb. 80 kr. Se info på hemsida. Tillsammans med Korea Campfire och My Way
Rhythm Ace inleder ett distributionssamarbete med Plugged Distribution (090303)
Korea Campfire, skivaktuella Ok Star Orchestra & Mats Grönmark spelar på Pluto Lövholmsvägen 20, Gröndal, T-bana Liljeholmen 21 mars kl 20. Obs. medlemsklubb. Se info på hemsida
Berlin Bar, Stockholms trevligaste bar på Skånegatan 71 gästas av Hellon den 18 september som spelar 2 set och sedan av Eve and the Last Waltz den 12 oktober. Waltz basist/Oh Lucky Star´s gitarrist Galento spelar med Ok Star Orchestra på samma bar den 7 september! Fri entre (29/8 - 08)
Eve and the Last Waltz spelar på Kulturnatten i Norrköping den 27 september! (29/8 - 08)
Eva Lalander & Mats Grönmark aka Hellon spelar i sommar på följande platser: 9 juli på Spejaren i Leksand, Näsby Cafe på Södra Öland den 26 juli, Båthuset, Grönhögen den 29 juli och Sättra Andels Mejeri, mellersta Öland den 30 juli. Mer tillkommer.
Mats Grönmark plays Klubb Sockerdricka with Autohof and Strängorkestern friday feb 8 Ringvägen 74, 7 pm, Sthlm (4/2 - 08)
Rhythm Ace Recordings brand new signing Mats Grönmark (or check here) releases debut album in september and plays two shows, Teater Scenario, Hantverkargatan 78, Stockholm jan 27, 21.00 w. Autohof and at Mosebacke, Sthlm (w. band) feb 3 20.00 w. Canadian Cowboy. (21/1 - 08)
First new material from Hellon in three years from the documentary "Karin i Sandreda" which feature three mostly instrumental songs click here to listen (6/11 - 07)
Oh Lucky Star recieves four stars in the new issue of german Rolling Stone 4 stars of course means "formidabel" read here (in german) (23/10 - 07)
Eve and the Last Waltz spelar på Gubbängsfestivalen lördagen den 3 november. T-Gubbängen. (19/10 - 07)
breaking news breaking news Oh Lucky Star unluckily announce they call it a day. After one great and fabulously recieved album and one 7" single they now go on to new projects. We wish them the best of luck (25/9 - 07)
Rhythm Ace music available on ITunes (10/9 - 07)
More Rhythm Ace music now up on Klicktrack and also updated to 320 kpbs which in a more understandable language means highest possible quality mp3´s. Downloads of the full catalogue also available at the Emusic store (20/8 - 07)
New video up with Eve and the Last Waltz. The song is "Left Behind" Directed by Morgan Carlsson and Adel Ödman.
Eve and the Last Waltz play Sjöhästen, Långholmsgatan 24 T-Hornstull june 2 21.00 w. Mats Grönmark + Tim Schmidt
Rhythm Ace present new german distributor (click on image)
Burek V have split up read here (26/3 - 07)
CANCELLED! Burek V and Eve and the Last Waltz gig at Ugglan CANCELLED! (23/3 - 07)
First german reviews up! Oh Lucky Star Eve and the Last Waltz
Eve and the Last Waltz will play Musik Scenario with Two Times the Trauma and Lena Malmborg march 31 (18/3 - 07)
Eve and the Last Waltz will play Kalmar Nation, Uppsala march 23 with Apoteket Apan and Kuryakin (13/3 - 07)
Oh Lucky Star will play Galleri 44, Tjärhovsgatan 44, Stockholm on march 17 at 6 pm. (12/3 - 07)
Brand new Oh Lucky Star video Jump In by Olivia Skjöld (15/2 - 07)
Thanks for making the release a great evening with a jam-packed B. Olssons ! Special thanks from E & TLW going out to guests Jens Henriksson, trumpet, David Nygård, Trombone, Carina Bergholm-Sunden and Jeanette Gustafsson, vocals ( 12/2 - 07)
fine fine reviews up for "straight up to the sky" and "a place in the sun" click here
free download from "straight up to the sky" at klicktrack + more rhythm ace giveaways !!! ( 31/1 - 07)
welcome to the releaseparty for eve and the last waltz and oh lucky star at bröderna olsson, folkungagatan 84, stockholm tuesday feb 6 ! doors open 8 pm, both bands play sets, first band on stage 20.45. admission is free. also come to in-store gig at record hunter s:t eriksgatan 70 where both bands will play sets at 4 pm.
rar welcomes smashing instrumental trio oh lucky star to the label. the debut album titled "a place in the sun" will be released feb 7. oh lucky star have previously released a 7" on the dreamboat label (7/12 - 06)
rhythm ace now up on myspace making friends on a global scale (21/11 - 06)
hellon play a short set at the delicious goldfish record store, (here) saturday nov 18 at 3.30 in the afternoon. Also performing is driving there. ( 16/11 - 06)
eve and the last waltz and hellon are up with their own sites at the 21st century colossus that is myspace ( 24/10 - 06)
the burek v video make up by dadel is now aired at the german streetclip tv ( 24/10 - 06)
watch hellon play & pay a tribute to byrd-legend gene clark at club starfly at landet october 12 at 7 pm.
hellon perform at klubb sheriff, broder tuck, götgatan, stockholm with up and coming my way saturday 30 sept at 10 pm. most welcome. ( 28/9 - 06)
did you know that you can hear samples from almost all rhythm ace recordings at klicktrack before you buy ? you can also make a request at spraydio for the song you want ( 17/9 - 06)
last brushes being made on the new eve and the last waltz album, "straight up to the sky". cover being put together by lydia putkinen and mixes by rockin´ micke herrström. release february ( 15/9 - 06)
new raves about "burek v" from fort collins, colorado read here (14/7 - 06)
the new video from burek v directed by mats nordqvist/dadel tv and animated by lars holmström is now premiered and can be seen here or at svt musikbyrån or at burning tv the song is "make up" (5/6 - 06)
korea campfire will play club sheriff at the quite infamous broder tuck, götgatan 85, stockholm. may 26 at 9 pm. stockholm. new songs promised. play does indeed also my way who also promise new songs as well as rhythm ace guest artists. welcome ! see flyer
new brilliant album out by galento, bassplayer in eve and the last waltz check it out here (23/2 -2006)
check out burning tv the new swedish video-site featuring rhythm ace videos. (18/12-05)
burek v, or rather their album "make up" mentioned as one of 2005´s best picks by expressen/sonic/la musik/rootsy.nu journo lennart persson, along with amongst others, eve and the last waltz ! (for their new stellar 7" then we guess...) (27/11 -2005)
pay a visit to the brand-shiny-new rhythm ace recordings download-store at klicktrack
second pressing just fresh from the factory, "love boat" by eve and the last waltz available again
eve and the last waltz will play mondo, stockholm, october 10, 10 pm. with pello revolvers, and also the super-cool love club at wc, östgötagatan/skånegatan october 13, 9 pm. welcome !
burek v, korea campfire and eve and the last waltz will play short sets at the street urban festival, stockholm, august 20/21. gig time for all three bands will be sunday the 21st between 3 pm and 4 pm. free admission. welcome !
new mp3s added click here
dress up for the beach in a brand new rhythm ace t-shirt ! dark brown print on sand-brown high-end quality fruit of the loom. 80 sek/$12 including postage ! sizes are s-xl. look order
some brand new rave reviews for "make up" in swedish, some in english click here
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"the holy split split" 7" w. eve and the last waltz & burek v. black and clear vinyl available. out now ! |
"make up" the brand new second album from burek v, cardboard cover. order now ! |
burek v will play the campus stage at the trästock festival, skellefteå, july 23 at 8 pm.
you are all welcome to the releaseparty for the "make up" cd w. burek v and "the holy split split" 7" w. eve and the last walt/burek v at sjöhästen, hornstull june 6 at 9 !(31/5 - 2005)
rock heroes korea campfire live at pet sounds, may 19 18.00 !
eve reviews from the emmaboda festival click here and here (27/4 -2005)
oh lucky star - killer instrumental 7" by eve´s bassman, galento and burek v´s christian sandell out now on the dreamboat label click here (26/4 -2005)
a tiny few rare smoke-clear blackfiring e.p.´s by hellon discovered in the bottom of a record-box. available now ! as they say: först till kvarn... click here (25/3 -2005)
new wintry, mysterious korea cfi video added on the video page (18/3 -2005)
eve´s bassman, tommy galento gaining attention in new york click here(5/3 -2005)
korea cfi gig coming up at club agaton, uppsala march 16 aswell as an eve and the last waltz gig opening for lars cleveman & martin rössel at tantogården, stockholm march 20. (5/3 -2005)
of course it finally hit new zealand. the olde legend of eve and the last waltz living in a remote lighthouse singing sea chants.. (27/2 -2005) click here
burek v has recorded and mixed a second album with tom hakava and henrik af ugglas to be released this spring. (17/2-2005)
the track "lou reed says" by korea campfire is included on the new cd sampler from sonic magazine.(9/1 - 2005)
dreamboat music offers the new hellon e.p. on a sweet christmas special for 29 sek only. now, what are you waiting for ! (21/12 - 2004)
three new videos, folks. by johan nilsson and malin sköld. a new video page aswell. look left, click and enjoy.(6/12 - 2004)
fine reviews for the korea campfire cd in gefle dagblad read here and västerbottens folkblad read here (17/11 - 2004)
eve and the last waltz plays at osaka vs tokyo, with loney, dear at umbra, hornsg. 5 fri 19 nov. for info: www.osakavstokyo.com (you need to mail them your name for free membership)(17/11 - 2004)
rave 7/10 for "lodie" in Sonic Magazine read here (read in english)(21/10 - 2004)
lodie by korea campfire now available for 120 sek/$16 including postage directly from this site. here(21/10 - 2004)
korea will host their release-party at mondo 22 oct 22.00, with goodwill, who releases debut album "undrar vad dom hittar på härnäst" on speedchoice. be there !!!(11/10 - 2004)
new stunning e.p. by hellon released on oct 26 ! red vinyl. pre orders available.
all welcome to the release for "the blackfiring e.p." by hellon at folkoperans bar, hornsgatan 72, oct 26 2100. with performance and secret guest !(11/10 - 2004)
the debut korea campfire album "lodie" released on oct. 13, via border music!!!
you're all welcome to the lodie release party at mondo, oct 22!!!
splendid reviews from rough trade in london for korea read here and eve and the last waltz read here and hellon read here legendary rough trade shop has sold out first run of korea e.p´s buy your own personal vinyl copy here(6/8 - 2004)
eve and the last waltz will play debaser, hellmut:sommar, aug 19(6/8 - 2004)
eve and the last waltz and burek v will play at the "alltid 280 kvar festivalen" at kafe pladder, vinterviken july 7th
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new burek v ep on marvel marble vinyl, includes sticker |
korea, premier ep from korea, with lou reed says from coming album |
stingy fellas you might think, of dagens skiva giving "hi-fi por el hi-five" 7 out of 10. thought they claim the ep contains "three must-have songs and one good" we almost agree !
splendid love boat reviews to be read here
korea, will play at the jambalaya festival, mondo, medborgarplatsen, stockholm, may 2.
hellon will play! at cafe string, 14.00, nytorgsgatan 38, södermalm, stockholm april 25.
burek v, will play at the jambalaya festival, mondo, medborgarplatsen, stockholm, april 4
eve and the last waltz will play at klubb kärlek, mondo, medborgarplatsen, stockholm, this friday, april 2
rhythm ace welcomes rock heroes "korea" to the label, korea! korea! korea! check out the fabulous ep "different every time"
eve and the last waltz will play east 100, march 25
release party for new rhythm ace signing korea's first ep and burek v's ep "hi fi por el hi-five"! at katarina norra skola, tjärhovsgatan, stockholm 13 march, at 21.00
love boat by eve and the last waltz is album of the week at Mick 102 ( 2004:02:24)
eve and the last waltz are booked for the emmaboda festival in august
"fa fa fa", by burek v now on rotation on p3, swedish radio! (2004:01:31)
hellon has been reviewed by dagenskiva.com, read more (2004:01:27)
eve & the last waltz will play at "bonden bar" (klubb kramp), stockholm 19 february.
"so you are here" by eve & the last waltz is now on rotation on swedish radion, p3, stay tuned folks... (2004:01:12)
hellon will release their second ep within 2 years!(2004:01:05)
a new burek v 4-track ep is out soon, working title "hi fi por el hi five" (2004:01:05)
burek v will play (with korea) at helmut vinter, debaser, stockholm 25 january
eve & the last waltz will play at debaser , stockholm (supporting david lindh & the hail marys) 8 january, 2004, (2003:12:01)
eve & the last waltz will play at "klubb knaster " (musikmuseet) sibyllegatan 2, stockholm, 13 december (2003:12:01)release party for "love boat" at em-bar-go, bergsunds strand 33, södermalm, wednesday, 19 nov, you're all welcome (2003:11:15)
listen to sample tracks from the new eve & last waltz cd "love boat" here(2003:10:29)
brand new sparkling order page! click here (2003:10:22)
the new eve & the last waltz cd, "love boat" will be released 19 november (2003:10:22)
distribution of rhythmace recordings and a west side fabrication will from now on be handled by border (2003:08:17)
13 sept, burek v, uppsala
6 sept, burek v, hellon and before i got convenient at vinterviken, stockholm
"hellon at hellmut jr": hellon will play at hellmut jr, debaser, stockholm this thursday, the 7th aug. watch out for the rhythm ace extravaganza, free giveaways and so much more...
the burek v gig at hellmut jr, debaser 14 aug,stockholm has been cancelled
burek v will play fritz's corner, 9 july, kulturhusets terass, stockholm
burek v will play softorefestvalen, cafe mix, sibyllegatan, stockholm, with among others peter bjorn and john, june 12 (23/5 - 2003)
burek v katarina norra skola june 14 with the jesuses, hellon (special guest cb), korea and nacka (feat. grönis)(15/5 - 2003)
burek v will play the "trästock festival ", skellefteÃ¥, 17 - 19 july. (15/5 - 2003)
eve & the last waltz will play a short set at lava, kulturhuset, stockholm at 18.00, 5/6 (15/5- 2003)
listen to "fa fa fa" by burek v from their new cd "burek v" here (2/5 2003)
check out the new lo-fi pictures from from burek v's gig at em-bar-go in the "pictures" section.(1/5, 2003)
you are all welcome to em-bar-go bergsunds strand, t-hornstull to celebrate the release of "burek v" on april 28 at 8. burek v will perform at 10.(11/4 2003)
rhythm ace artists now on full distribution in sweden through west side fabrication and mnw.(11/4 - 2003)
hellon played their last el mundo gig to a packed and enthusiastic crowd the 26th march. (31/3 - 2003)
new release date for the new "eve & the last waltz" single "so you are here": this autumn.(31/3 - 2003)
hellon will appear at el mundo (erstagatan 21, stockholm) again this wednesday, the 19th march. they will play a fine selection of acoustic lo-fi songs, somewhere between "mississippi sheiks" and "smog". the show will start at about 21.30. (18/3 - 2003)
burek v (featuring mats grönmark from eve & the last waltz and hellon) will play at klubb knaster 27/2, cafe mix, sibyllegatan 2,stockholm (18/2 - 2002)
hellon will start their residency at el mundo (erstagatan 21, södermalm, stockholm) the 5th march. thereafter they will play every other wednesday. further details will be announced. (11/2 - 2003)
to celebrate the release of "the parkspender ep", hellon will host a party at el mundo, erstagatan 21, this monday, 20/1 - 2003, your're all invited !!! (16/1 - 2003)
eves new sideproject hellon releases 4-track vinyl 7" e.p. on rhythm ace in january. (26/11 - 2002)
buy the debut album by "eve and the last waltz", now released on cd on imperial fuzz records in atlanta. get it from their homepage Imperial Fuzz .(24/7 - 2002)
new single "so you are here" coming this winter ( 30/6 - 2002)
eve and the last waltz are currently working hard in the studio recording their second album "long since gone". ( 30/6 - 2002)
new and unreleased songs on: www.mp3.com/lastwaltz (5/9 - 2002)